miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Otras tres de nuestras maestras favoritas

Aquí están la Mtra. Paty 1º, la Mtra. Maritsa 2º y la Mtra. Gloria 3º.

2 comentarios:

Hoizmichi dijo...

thank You for the picture of the nice girls.
therefore I can not understand Your langquage. I thins its spain.
Best greetings from Munich in Bavaria in Germany.

Hoizmichi dijo...

Thanks for Your comment again.
Thanks also to tell hello from me
to the 3 nice und beautiful girl in Your university.
My home is not australia, it is Germany in Europe.
Bayern=bavaria is one of the nicest parts in Germany.
If You like to notice some of this part of Germany, please click on my
site Bayernheimat = home bavaria.
Here You can notice houses, people and nature of this nice part.
The best greetings and wishes
to You and Your university.